We as employers
Our employees are the reason for our success. We stand for diversity. We have people working in the Hammer stores, the Brueder Schlau craft stores, sewing studios, head office and in logistics. They work as interior designers, floor layers, salespersons, warehouse clerks, drivers, buyers, marketing managers or graphic designers.
They all represent the most important assets and play a decisive role in the progress of the group of companies. Above all, collegial cooperation and open communication are very important to us. With over 5,500 team members, our company thrives on the various levels of experience, backgrounds and characters.

Matthias Roesler
Matthias Roesler joined the Brueder Schlau Group in February 2023 and is now responsible for nine Hammer Speciality Stores in north-eastern Germany, including the new store in Rendsburg, which opened in 2024.
After completing his training as a wholesale and foreign trade merchant, Matthias Roesler studied business administration in Hamburg and then went on to work in various companies.
Kimberly Büsching
Kimberly Büsching has been part of the Brueder Schlau Group since 2019. She had already completed her training as a wholesale and foreign trade management assistant at the headquarters in Porta Westfalica and was subsequently taken on
in the Legal & Compliance department. She is now Team Leader of Compliance and continues to develop this still relatively new department together with her colleagues.
Carmen Schwarzenberg
Carmen Schwarzenberg has been the Inbound Team Leader in our Group’s Customer Service team since 1 November 2022. As a talented coordinator,
she is responsible for ensuring that day-to-day operations run smoothly and that colleagues have ideal working conditions.
Ivonne Brodkorb
Ivonne Brodkorb has been with us since January 2023. As a construction manager in the Real Estate Department, she deals with the new openings and re-openings of the Hammer Speciality Stores and
Schlau Crafts Markets as well as being the first point of contact for the conversion work there and for all architectural matters.
Heinrich Bredemeier
Heinrich Bredemeier is a trainee at the Group of Companies headquarters. In addition to his apprenticeship as a merchant in wholesale and foreign trade management,
he is an active player in the U23 squad of the Bundesliga team GWD Minden.
Kai-Kristian Gericke
Kai-Kristian Gericke is the office manager at Schlau Crafts Market in Bielefeld and has been part of the Group of Companies for 15 years. In addition to administrative and organisational tasks
such as duty roster preparation and inventory control, customer contact and the training of new junior staff are also part of his “daily bread”.
Jennifer Auf dem Kampe
For the past ten years, Jennifer Auf dem Kampe has been an integral part of our Group of Companies, beginning her career with us as a trainee for warehouse logistics in Porta Westfalica.
The former customer quickly became a motivated employee, later store manager and now district manager.
Michael Rosen
Michael Rosen has been working as a warehouse logistics specialist at the Porta Westfalica warehouse location for 28 years. Back then, he applied to the Brueder Schlau Group because he wanted to switch careers and try out a different line of work.
Today, he is not only responsible for warehouse organisation, but has also taken on two other important posts.
Anja Spilker
Anja Spilker heads the payroll team. Together with her nine colleagues, she is responsible for the employees’ concerns regarding wages and salaries, as well as communication with the pension fund, the tax authorities and health insurance companies.
She has been with the Brueder Schlau Group her entire professional life.
Marian Flessa
Marian Flessa is a district manager at Hammer and is responsible for eight specialist stores around Worms in Rhineland-Palatinate. After a temporary job during his business studies, he decided to join the Brueder Schlau Group family.
The former customer quickly became a motivated employee, later store manager and now district manager.
Not only do we want to offer our employees an attractive salary or secure prospects for the future. For us, it is just as important to offer opportunities for individual development and to make everyday working life as exciting and pleasant as possible. Find out more about the benefits of working at the Brueder Schlau Group of Companies.


Provide for the future! Complementing the statutory pension with additional private and occupational pension provision is becoming increasingly important. We therefore offer attractive coverage in the form of a special tariff to every employee.
We will provide you with coverage for your income in the event of occupational disability. You benefit from an extremely favourable contribution option due to the collective conditions, which would otherwise not be available to individuals.
In order to provide some relief in difficult times, the Brueder Schlau Group and its subsidiaries have taken out group accident insurance for all employees.
- Betriebliche Altersversorgung
- Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung
- (betriebliche Krankenversicherung)

A safe and healthy work environment is important to us. Our occupational safety measures safeguard you against accidents and diseases.
If you are absent due to health reasons for a longer period of time, we will support you in returning to your workplace.
Saddle up: In cooperation with JobRad, we turn bicycles and e-bikes into company bikes. To your advantage: you gain convenience and save money. The Brüder Schlau Group leases the JobRad for you and lets you use it.
In cooperation with our partner „Stimulus Deutschland“, we provide you with competent counselling and support in all life situations. We demonstrate responsibility!
Various activities and programmes invite you to join in and promote fun as well as communication among each other.
Our health platform offers lots of exciting information on a wide variety of health topics and can be used flexibly by employees anytime and anywhere.
- Arbeitssicherheit und Arbeitsmedizin
- Flexibles und mobiles Arbeiten
- Betriebliches Eingliederungsmanagement
- Fahrrad-Leasing
- Gesundheitsaktionen und Präventionsmaßnahmen
- Employee Assistance Program


We provide you with capital-forming benefits.
You receive an employee discount on our entire product range. This way you can design your home individually at special terms and conditions. A variety of benefits and “goodies” bring joy as well!
Fresh meals are prepared daily in our company canteen at the company headquarters in Porta Westfalica. A salad bar is also at your disposal.
We offer free beverages and coffee specialities such as latte macchiato, cappuccino and espresso at our corporate headquarters.
Joint Christmas parties and events bond us together.
- Vermögenswirksame Leistungen
- Mitarbeiterrabatt
- Betriebskantine
- Getränke und Obst
- Weihnachtsfeiern
- Corporate Benefits
- Edenred-Ticket Plus
Der Fußboden bildet die Basis und das Fundament der Raumgestaltung. Die Auswahl ist groß und reicht von textilen Bodenbelägen bis hin zu Natur- und Designböden. Dabei haben Teppich-, Parkett-, Kork-, Laminat und Designböden spezifische Eigenschaften, die sie auszeichnen.

The further training of our employees is of great importance to us. By offering a wide range of training courses and various tailor-made development programmes, we support you on your individual career track.
Good leadership is the essence of success. We support you in this challenging task with practice-oriented training and individual coaching.
We value the individuality of our employees and are therefore in constant interaction with them. We gratefully welcome your suggestions, wishes and even problems. Success is only possible if we cooperate with each other.
Well-trained junior staff is the key to success. In order to facilitate the start into professional life for our young talents, we offer a variety of internship opportunities as well as a wide range of apprenticeships and study programmes.
- Entwicklungsprogramme und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten
- Führungskräfteentwicklung
- Mitarbeitergespräche
- Studium, Ausbildung und Praktika
Your career starts here
Trainees at our headquarters provide personal insights on their Instagram channel into what it’s like to work here.