Sustainability and Social Responsibility
Sustainable Success!
The Brueder Schlau Group of Companies can look back on more than a hundred years of history. As a family business, we have always taken a long-term view, continuously searching for sustainable solutions that are going to be viable in the coming years. Rooted in our home country, we take responsibility not only where we are, but throughout our entire sphere of activity. Economic sustainability is something that is also ecologically and socially attainable. Accomplishing a lot with a little isn’t just a one-time effort for us; it’s a core guiding principle that shapes everything we do. Respectful cooperation with our employees and business partners is the basis of our joint commitment to honest, socially responsible and environmentally friendly business practices.
Social Responsibility
At Brueder Schlau, we began working closely with our suppliers and service providers well before the regulations of the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act (LkSG) were implemented. Sustainable success is only possible by working together as equals and with satisfied employees! Also, by appointing a human rights officer, we are ensuring that business processes are developed and practised in such a way that the social impact of our actions on our supply chains is taken into account and human rights are upheld. We have defined and summarised our mission statement in a Declaration of Principles on Social Responsibility and Standing up for Human Rights.

At Brueder Schlau, we don’t just leave you with pleasing words. Social responsibility can only become a reality when concrete standards and guidelines govern our actions. We have therefore committed ourselves to the Code of Conduct of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI).
In this respect, we are in good company with many other influential companies. Together with these organisations we will continuously develop our own processes, working with our business partners to ensure that this is also carried forward throughout our supply chains.

Social responsibility is not limited to economic conditions and employee rights. Those with optimal health are truly free to decide what they do with their wages and how they engage themselves. Brueder Schlau has therefore decided to take occupational safety particularly seriously to ensure that our employees are able to work at all times and in all places without risk to life and limb. Supported by our Health Management Team, our ultimate aim is to ensure that we are well and have an active working life!

Think across generations
It’s not just those with children who consider the future impact of their actions when making decisions. We create living and working spaces both as a wholesaler and a branch-based interior decorator. We want people to feel comfortable and productive in these spaces for the long term. As a family business, we have always thought across generations and aim to develop sustainably, i.e. with lasting viability.
With the Corporate Social Responsibility Directive (CSRD), the Taxonomy Regulation and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDD), we now have a uniform standard throughout the European Union with which we can document and demonstrate how our own actions affect our environment, our employees and our business setting. Our intention is to present our progress and developments on a regular basis in our sustainability reports. We will also outline the challenges we face and the environmental and social impacts we are exposed to in order to provide the necessary context.
We are currently working on a coherent sustainability strategy (link- placeholder for now; document to follow) for the entire Brueder Schlau Group of Companies. With this strategy, we will continue to tackle the fields of activity described in modern parlance by the letters ESG, which stand for ‘Environment, Social and Governance’, which will aide us in preparing for the future.

Help us maintain a fair and honest business environment for everyone and avoid environmental impacts. No process is flawless and no monitoring is complete. Therefore, if, according to your observations, we have not recognised an ESG risk, failed to detect violations or have not recognised developments, you can report this to us at any time via our reporting system. It is up to you to decide whether you wish to do so publicly or anonymously; in any case, we will take your information on board!

The Brueder Schlau Compliance Team is always available to address any inquiries or communications you may have!
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